Finding The Name Of The Son

Do we really need to find the real name of the Son of God in Hebrew? Yes. Is it really important to know the correct name? Yes. Why? Because the name of the Father that is in the third Commandment is in His name, and Acts 4:12 says: Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Psalm 118:26 says: Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the LORD: we have blessed you out of the house of the LORD. In our article titled: Finding the Name of the Father we mentioned that every time we see the word LORD in our Bible, we can only assume that the name YHWH (the name of the Father) was there in the original scriptures. In other words the original verse should be: Blessed be he that cometh in the name of YHWH:. . . . . . . In the same article we also concluded that the correct pronunciation of YHWH should be YaHuWaH.

We have also learned that the most popularly known names of the Father Jehovah and Yahweh must have evolved from the original Hebrew name YHWH which was pronounced YaHuWaH. The Son of God is now known to be Jesus. Our purpose of seeking the original name of the Son is to know how it was uttered when blessing, healing, and conveying the purpose of the Kingdom of heaven. The name of the Son is as miraculous as the name of the Father when spoken. The name now known is obviously not the original name since even the first letter J is one of the youngest letters in use. Furthermore, there is no letter J in the ancient Hebrew alphabet.

Before we go on we need to emphasize that Psalm 118:26 was repeated in the Gospels of the New Testament: Matthew 11:6; Matthew 21:9; Matthew 23:39; Mark 11:9; Luke 7:23; and Luke 13:35. In our present time, a person is usually known by the family name attached to the first name. In ancient time it was like that. The difference is that there is no family name in ancient time. They only identify persons by telling who their father was. For example: Shallum son of Jabesh; Hoshea son of Pekah; or Jotham the son of Uzziah. However, great men of the Bible and the prophets have special names given to them identifying them with God.

Great men in the Bible carry the name of the Father in their names. The problem is that the name of those great men with the Father's name attached to their names underwent major changes that rendered it unrecognizable from the original name. Let us take for example the Prophet Isaiah. The original name of Isaiah was spelled in Hebrew letters: Yad, Shin, Ayin, Yad, Hey, and Waw. The first three letters were pronounced YaShA meaning save or salvation. We would like to clarify that we are using the English letter A here to represent the Hebrew letter Ayin since it gives the word the sound of Ah. The rest of the letters were the first three letters of the Father's name: Yad, Hey, and Waw uttered in ancient time as YaHuW. The original name of Isaiah then was YaShAYaHuW meaning salvation is YaHuWaH. Note that YaHuW could be understood as YaHuWaH even without the last letter Hey.

Let us take the name of Uzziah the King of Judah as another example. The name was spelled as Ayin, Zayin, Yad, Hey and Waw. In ancient Hebrew, Ayin could sound as gh or ng. In Modern Hebrew, Ayin was normally silent but represented the letter O in Latin and Greek. Therefore, those who spoke Latin or Greek would utter the first two letters as O zi pronouncing O like the short U in our modern English followed by YaHuW. That would be UZiYaHuW with Uzi meaning strength. In other words the name of Judah's King meant the strength of YaHuW.

It may be noted that in the name of Isaiah the first letter which was Yad in ancient Hebrew is now appearing as I. On the other hand, the first letter of Judah which was also a Yad in ancient Hebrew is now appearing as J. That means that in ancient times it was possible for the transliteration process of Yad to split into two directions: one leading to I and another leading to J. It was said that the earliest edition of the King James Version presented the name of the Son as Iesus. Now, it has become Jesus.

Let us go back to our primary objective of finding the name of the Son since it is very obvious that it is not Jesus. We can choose to trace the etymology of the name but for our purpose now we take a short cut. Since Hebrew words undergo changes in the direction away from how they were originally written and uttered, the direction of our study must be backwards in time. The oldest Hebrew spelling that we can find is: Yad, Hey, Waw, Shin, Waw, and Ayin. It is pronounced as YaHuWShWA. The first three letters of the Father's name is there. The three-letter word Yad, Shin, and Ayin pronounced YaShA which means save or salvation is also there sharing the letter Yad. This time, unlike in YaShAYaHuW where the name of the Father and the word salvation can be distinctly seen, the Father's name and salvation are interwoven into one word.

This could be the reason why the Scribes and the teachers of the law did not readily recognize the Son of God when He walked the earth because He was given a somewhat unconventional name by the Father. This, however, reinforces what YaHuWShWA said: The Father and I are one (John 10:30). It can be noted that the Hebrew letter Waw is repeated in the name of the Son. The letter Waw means secure. That means salvation is doubly secured in the Son. Again, if you have any problem with this just please, do not use the name in vain to be safe.

In closing, let me say: In the name of YaHuWaH, and His only Son our savior YaHuWShWA, peace and love be with you, Amen.
